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Archiving the Future: A Short Show with a Long Tail. Techonomics Covered What Either Mattered, or What Would Matter Soon

Hello and welcome to this tiny corner of the internet. I’m so glad you’ve either searched for, were sent a link, or have otherwise stumbled across it. At its heart, it’s an audio archive of Techonomics — a short-lived Bay Area broadcast/podcast. (With thanks to KGO 810 AM for the original airings.)

Perhaps you keyword-searched yourself and forgotten you’d done this little radio interview (looking your way, Professor Galloway). Or perhaps a subject-word search sent you here for some context around artificial intelligence trends, economic trends, futuristic thinking, or some other such subject-matter expert’s take on things (those known as SMEs in business circles).

Maybe a favorite author appeared on the show? One of ours wrote ‘Weapons of Math Destruction.’ Or perhaps a feature story on baseball science (with Tyler Kepner) or children’s television programming is the bait that worked reel you in (STEM You Can Stream).

Whatever it my be: again, we’re glad you’re here.

While the show was alive, we covered the necessary stuff like macroeconomic trends, venture capital cycles, startups, Silicon Valley and marketing moments with one of Steve Jobs’ gurus.

Other, once-esoteric (and now mainstream) subjects are also covered: intrinsic bias in algorithms (see ‘Weapons’ book above); artificial intelligence and its many facets; medical tech, including neural networking; alternative fuel-cell research; financial tech; automation in the workplace are some examples.

Hell, we covered universal basic income (UBI) before Andrew Yang even had a gang! Online learning and continuing education is here, as well, with Mr Khan himself, all pre-covid 19.

From space travel and immortality with physicist Michio Kaku to pre-Pivot and Kara Swisher, there are known names and emerging experts archived here.

As a final introductory note, we tried exceedingly hard to find gender parity with our SMEs – not an easy task in and around Silicon Valley, I assure you. But it’s something we’re proud of. We tried for racial diversity wherever we could, but had a harder time reaching anything close to parity – which is something that continues to need addressing.

At any rate, I won’t keep you long. This site (mostly audio archive) is now public, coinciding with a birthday (to paraphrase, Is this a 50th I see before me?), as well as a ‘life-changing event’ (such as a career gap that leaves me pondering my next chapter). Many thanks to Liana for producing Techonomics (until she found greener pastures), and to Jayden for banging out such a robust site and search experience. More blogs to come. Please … search and listen for something! Cheers…