If you have one of those voice-activated devices like Google Home or Amazon Echo in your house, you either have one at work, or you will soon. The integration of machines and humanity to create the work force of the future is already happening, that’s not news. The fact that we have a chance to FORM how that integration looks and feels – and produces results – is something we’re running a little behind on, frankly. That’s Alexandra Levit. Her new book is titled HUMANITY WORKS: Merging Technologies And People In The Workplace Of The Future. During the interview we took a hard right into another existential change to working and society: the gig economy. Ms Levit has also conducted proprietary research on the future of work, technology adoption, the millennial generation, gender differences and bias, and the skills gap. She also served as a member of Business Roundtable’s Springboard Project, which advised the Obama administration, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the U.S. Department of Defense on current employment issues.