Alexander Pope dropped An Essay on Criticism back in 1711, and in that essay a quote for the ages: To err is human, to forgive divine. All people commit sins and make mistakes. And, I’d argue, that refers to self-sabotage, choices humans make over and over in a cycle of limiting potential and fomenting crises. So we asked Gary John Bishop to join us. He’s the author of the new book Stop Doing that Bleep or Stop Doing that S. — A Real World Approach to Reducing Negative Behavior and “Waking the Heck Up” His prior book, a New York Times besteller, is titled Un Eff Yourself. It’s a little off our usual script, but Gary’s a great speaker and his approach can be helpful. We also veer into the novel and film Trainspotting toward the end. And he finds a few cautionary tales that translate beyond Scottish drug culture and relates to some of today’s drug troubles.