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Telling Baseball’s Story, One Pitch at a Time with Tyler Kepner

Telling Baseball's Story, One Pitch at a Time with Tyler Kepner

Given that baseball has traditionally and habitually invented statistics to apply to game strategy and measuring success, I couldn’t pass up the chance to talk with Tyler Kepner this week. It’s still the first month of baseball season, remember, and every team still has a… Read More »Telling Baseball’s Story, One Pitch at a Time with Tyler Kepner

How Super-Intelligent Machines Could Optimize Human Well-Being, Enviro Stability with Greg Kieser

How Super-Intelligent Machines Could Optimize Human Well-Being, Enviro Stability with Greg Kieser

Once again this week, we’re going to straddle science fiction and science reality with a discussion about Super Aware Intelligent Machines. We have the author of a new book, titled Dear Machine, who is also an investor and researcher in what he considers a wave… Read More »How Super-Intelligent Machines Could Optimize Human Well-Being, Enviro Stability with Greg Kieser

Biofuels Negatively Impact Wildlife, Climate: Report with Aaron Smith

Biofuels Negatively Impact Wildlife, Climate: Report with Aaron Smith

Every time we go the pump, there’s a good chance part of that fuel is made from corn—as in corn ethanol. A 10-year-old federal mandate requires that plant-based fuels are blended into our gasoline supply. That policy has had several unintended, some might say dire,… Read More »Biofuels Negatively Impact Wildlife, Climate: Report with Aaron Smith

Gene Editing, Startup Culture and a ‘Bad Seed’ with Richard Lieberman

Gene Editing, Startup Culture and a 'Bad Seed' with Richard Lieberman

CRISPR is relatively new gene editing technology – and it’s been in the news quite a bit recently. In November, a scientist in China modified twin girl embryos so they would be resistant to their father’s HIV. Moreover, the experiment may have altered their intellectual… Read More »Gene Editing, Startup Culture and a ‘Bad Seed’ with Richard Lieberman

Fighting Climate Change Financially with Dana O’Brien

Fighting Climate Change Financially with Dana O’Brien

This week we’re hammering on a topic familiar to most Americans: brunch. Well, brunching is the inflection point of a much more serious conversation around climate change and its effects on the crops we, as human consumers, have come to depend on. I’m talking coffee,… Read More »Fighting Climate Change Financially with Dana O’Brien

This Startup Takes the Predatory Out of Payday Lending with Safwan Shah

This Startup Takes the Predatory Out of Payday Lending with Safwan Shah

Let’s talk about the velocity of money. The timing of pay has not been considered since before the industrial revolution, and this oversight is creating profound and unnecessary suffering amongst both employees and employers. The most obvious example of speeding up the dispersal of paychecks… Read More »This Startup Takes the Predatory Out of Payday Lending with Safwan Shah

The Many Medical Uses for Cannabinoid (CBD) Oil with Dr. Rachna Patel

The Many Medical Uses for Cannabinoid (CBD) Oil with Dr. Rachna Patel

As more and more states legalize medical and recreational marijuana, the usage of cannabinoid oil will only rise. CBD oil: miracle cure-all elixir, or 21st century marketing for a new snake oil. Likely, it’s mostly the former, but there is a skeptical skosh of caution… Read More »The Many Medical Uses for Cannabinoid (CBD) Oil with Dr. Rachna Patel

Making Good Out of Bad Reviews with Curtis Boyd

Making Good Out of Bad Reviews with Curtis Boyd

This week: bad online reviews. If you cant SAY something nice, post it online. Trolling aside, from Twitter to Yelp to corporate home pages, the one to one relationship between corporations and consumers can be a messy place. Knee-jerk negative reviews can cost businesses revenue… Read More »Making Good Out of Bad Reviews with Curtis Boyd

Living an Unfiltered Life, Free of Digital Doldrums with Brian Solis

Living an Unfiltered Life, Free of Digital Doldrums with Brian Solis

I didn’t really think about it until the book hit my desk: we don’t have a manual for what we’re being offered when it comes to our digital lives. The social media, the augmented reality, the virtual reality – it’s like a filtered life –… Read More »Living an Unfiltered Life, Free of Digital Doldrums with Brian Solis

Brave New Work: Decentralizing Work for Ultimate Efficiency with Aaron Dignan

Brave New Work: Decentralizing Work for Ultimate Efficiency with Aaron Dignan

Like winter — or an overused meme — automation is coming. Artificial intelligence is already here in narrow ways – like smart voice technology. But AI represents a paradigm shift – especially in the workplace. Recent research suggests that up to 42 million American workers… Read More »Brave New Work: Decentralizing Work for Ultimate Efficiency with Aaron Dignan