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Silicon Valley’s role in electing Donald Trump with Kevin Maney

Silicon Valley's role in electing Donald Trump with Kevin Maney

We talk to Kevin Maney, a Senior Columnist at Newsweek, about the tech industry’s role in getting Donald Trump elected. Maney is a regular commentator on Silicon Valley’s social impact and shares insights on parallels between Trump and the tech sector. Will there be a… Read More »Silicon Valley’s role in electing Donald Trump with Kevin Maney

Post Election Economy with George Noceti, Mark Hamrick

Post Election Economy with George Noceti, Mark Hamrick

The election is behind us, but what happens now? What about tax reform and the economy? We talk to Mark Hamrick of and George Noceti of Morgan Stanely to breakdown exactly what’s next for your money. Links:

Earning It with Joann Lublin

Earning It with Joann Lublin

Joann Lublin is a veteran journalist with the Wall Street Journal who has a new book “Earning It,” out now. We hear about tales from women in the C Suite and what advice they can give to other women climbing the ladder. Links:

Tech Update with David Pogue

Tech Update with David Pogue

What’s going on in the Tech world? We talk to David Pogue about the latest with Facebook, Google, Apple, GPS and health apps. He also has a new book out, “Pogue’s Basics: Money” with tips to put more money in your pocket, and we get… Read More »Tech Update with David Pogue

Apps that Branch out with Ramsay Pryor

Apps that Branch out with Ramsay Pryor

You know when you get a promotional email, and you click on a link on your phone, and the link opens up the app to the exact thing you were expecting to see? That’s Branch working! We talk to Ramsey Pryor who leads the global… Read More »Apps that Branch out with Ramsay Pryor

“Is the Economy Rigged?”​ Part 1 with Mary Meyn

"Is the Economy Rigged?"​ Part 1 with Mary Meyn

At the start of the show we address the feeling that the regular people aren’t getting a fair shake when it comes to our money. We talk to Mary Meyn, the Director of Research at Edison Research, about their study on economic anxiety they they… Read More »“Is the Economy Rigged?”​ Part 1 with Mary Meyn

“Is the Economy Rigged?” Part 2 with Joe Uscinski

"Is the Economy Rigged?" Part 2 with Joe Uscinski

It’s a conspiracy! Or is it? In the second segment, part 2 of our conversation addressing a possible “rigged economy” with Joe Uscinski, an Associate Professor of Political Science at The University of Miami. “Conspiracy theories are for losers.” We unpack where these pervasive ideas… Read More »“Is the Economy Rigged?” Part 2 with Joe Uscinski

Off to Mars with Leonard David

Off to Mars with Leonard David

The goal for landing and establishing humanity on Mars is being proposed for 2033. In this third segment, we talk to Leonard David, author of “Mars: Our Future on the Red Planet​,” about his book and the new series coming to National Geographic of the… Read More »Off to Mars with Leonard David

Giggity Part 2: Stories from the Gig Economy with Various

Giggity Part 2: Stories from the Gig Economy with Various

At the end of the show, we continue our conversation about the Gig Economy. We talk to four listeners about their experience working as independent contractors and find out how their short term jobs worked out for them. How does your experience compare Katie’s, Brian’s,… Read More »Giggity Part 2: Stories from the Gig Economy with Various

Robot Rock with Simone Giertz

Robot Rock with Simone Giertz

At the start of this week’s show, we talk to YouTube sensation, Simone Giertz, affectionately dubbed “The Queen of Sh***y Robots.” We find out how she ended up Internet Famous, her work with Mythbuster’s Adam Savage, and what she thinks about inspiring a whole generation… Read More »Robot Rock with Simone Giertz