To Buy, or Not To Buy with Kit Yarrow
Succumbing to advertising is common, even if we don’t recognize it as such. So we brought in Kit Yarrow, a consumer phycologist to help analyze consumer manipulation and provide tips for fending it off. Links:
Succumbing to advertising is common, even if we don’t recognize it as such. So we brought in Kit Yarrow, a consumer phycologist to help analyze consumer manipulation and provide tips for fending it off. Links:
Some brick and mortar stores are still standing, and thriving, even as more shopping is being done online. So how do they do it? We get working strategies from Barbara Kahn, professor at The Wharton School, and author of “The Shopping Revolution: How Successful Retailers… Read More »To Shop, or Not to Shop (online): That is the Question with Barbara Kahn
What about small businesses battling Amazon? Or should they be assimilating with Amazon? We talk to Washington Post columnist, and small business owner, Gene Marks about his analysis when it comes to Small Businesses in an world. Links:
Jason talks to an expert on the American economy to find out how we’re recovering after “The Great Recession” by defining where Americans are spending our money. Bruce Stuart, a Vice President and Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, details a retail sales and… Read More »American Consumers and Whirlpool with Bruce Stuart