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Elon Musk vs Twitter with John Thaler

Elon Musk vs Twitter with John Thaler

When a business man at the head of his field starts making false claims on Twitter, and those claims effect the market, when does the SEC step in? What happens in the curious case of Elon Musk? We talk to John Thaler, the portfolio manager… Read More »Elon Musk vs Twitter with John Thaler

Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems (for CEOs) with Rob Enderle

Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems (for CEOs) with Rob Enderle

Roughly this time last year Facebook boasted over 2 billion monthly users. But since the Cambridge Analytica scandal, how has the company reacted to protect 26% of the world’s population? We talk to Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group about Facebook and also… Read More »Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems (for CEOs) with Rob Enderle

SpaceX Launch and an Economic Pulse Check with Jim Glassman

SpaceX Launch and an Economic Pulse Check with Jim Glassman

We’re more than halfway through Q1 in a growing economy, so how are Small and Medium businesses stacking up? We talk to Jim Glassman, Senior Economist for JP Morgan Chase, about their new outlook survey. We also get an update on the latest from SpaceX… Read More »SpaceX Launch and an Economic Pulse Check with Jim Glassman

3, 2, 1, Bast Off! How To Make A Spaceship with Julian Guthrie

3, 2, 1, Bast Off! How To Make A Spaceship with Julian Guthrie

Elon Musk has SpaceX, Jeff Bezos has Blue Origin, Richard Branson has Virgin Galactic, and they’re all “outsiders” working to reinvigorate the space race. We talk to Julian Guthrie, author of “How To Make A Spaceship: A Band of Renegades, an Epic Race, and the… Read More »3, 2, 1, Bast Off! How To Make A Spaceship with Julian Guthrie